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An experience-proven soft ground treatment technique known as “BAMBOOGEOTEXTILE BUOYANT SYSTEM” (acronym: “GEOBAMTILE). Agree that building over deep soft ground is still a very critical engineering problem facing construction industry worldwide including Malaysia. Signs show it worsens as good ground for construction is fast reducing and thus compel more and more constructions to be carried out on soft margin lands.
Build directly on existing extremely awkward ground like tidal mangrove swamp with little or no site preparation for removal of unsuitable materials (USM) required.
Rubber tyre is among the finest engineering products man has ever produced in view of its great importance to the lives of all vehicular occupants that each and every tyre irrespective where it is made, it must be manufactured under very stringent control conditions to ensure its high quality.
The great many cleavages (or openings) found between the tyres that form the wall face will permit ready drainage of water and thus dissipation of pore water pressure behind the wall.
CSBTM (ChemSoilBinderTM) is a polymer modified chemical soil stabilizer that contains residues of many basic chemicals in the compound which are harmonized through special processes during its manufacturing. This product is harmless to the environment as it does not contain any toxic ingredients that can give rise to any adverse environmental effects.
Technical viability – Being evolve from a technically sound method of soil-cement technology first deployed in 1935 and subsequently widely use in increasing number of countries and fields of applications.
The present invention relates to a lightweight concrete or mortar panel and block which has a physically placed membrane encased inside the panel and block to further enhance its thermal and acoustic insulation capabilities and the method for producing the said concrete or mortar panel and block. The membrane is securely concealed within the panel or block and it is not visible externally which is different from sandwiched concept.
Able to reduce the heat from being transferred into the building and minimise the dependency on air-conditioning system. There is cost savings when the reliance on air conditioning is lesser.
Ensuring the achievement of enormous time and cost savings in projects.
A truly innovative, green and sustainable approach and thus a most environmental friendly technology.
Safely support very heavy constructions, such as building platform & embankment over very soft ground or peat of great depth.
Prepare preliminary project proposal, including cost estimation, design computations and analyses based on data provided.
Prepare detailed design and construction drawings.
Provide all materials, labour, equipment and supervision to construct bamboogeotextile buoyant system as per design at site.
If you have questions or feedback, we would like to know.