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Tyre Slopes

Rubber tyre is among the finest engineering products man has ever produced in view of its great importance to the lives of all vehicular occupants that each and every tyre irrespective where it is made, it must be manufactured under very stringent control conditions to ensure its high quality. Similarly, from structural point of view the original mechanical properties of a worn off used tyre is relatively intact at time when it is discarded. On this ground it can justify why used tyres can still render themselves to be suitable for various civil engineering applications including for earth retaining wall construction. Perhaps, it is for these reasons that used tyres have to date found themselves been accepted and recognized as a practicable engineering material. To justify this claim, one can refer to ASTM D6270-08e1 Standard Practice for Use of Scrap Tyres in Civil Engineering Applications, an Active Standard developed by Subcommittee: D34.03.


Used tyres-based wall structures have gained wide acceptance and been popularly constructed and will continue to be constructed in many engineering advanced countries, whereby all factors affecting the suitable use of this material have been considered exhaustively before its final adoption. Additionally, the fact that there is no known major mishap on any used tyres retaining wall been reported anywhere in the world to date may well be an indirect proof for the reliability of this type of construction.

In the currently invented wall structure, being a modular form of construction system, the row of tyres arranged at any level of the wall will be made to resist the earth pressure at the same level only. Thus, under the worst circumstances, a general collapse of the structure is unlikely. Moreover, the high frictional resistance that could exist at rubber-rubber interface is another counteracting force available in the current design to resist the horizontal destabilizing forces in existence.

The fact that many used tyres walls (including those very tall vertical walls) constructed around the world (local and abroad alike) are bare showed that the designers of these structures must have considered and felt comfortable that used tyres are capable of withstanding all foreseeable adverse effects including those that might derive from environmental such as the UV light of the sun. In our current invention, through careful design, the used tyres wall face upon completion of construction would be skillfully covered by a thin layer of soil and on top of it to be turfed. In this way, not only will the used tyres employed are shunned away from direct sunlight and its damaging effects of direct UV light, it will at the same time afford us a greener and softer landscape and thus be more environmental friendly, of course.

Technical-wise, used-tyre wall system has a number of the following technical advantages when compared with other conventional wall solutions.

The great many cleavages (or openings) found between the tyres that form the wall face will permit ready drainage of water and thus dissipation of pore water pressure behind the wall. Accordingly, destabilizing forces that often caused by pore water would be nullified in most circumstances at and all times including during and after a heavy downpour.

In most geotechnical structures, whenever possible an engineer normally wishes very much to mobilize the passive earth pressure of the soil in order to stabilize the designed structure. This is so because passive earth pressure is about the largest strength that one can expect to derive from any given soil to work to one’s greatest advantage in resisting the Rankine active pressure that tends to destabilize a geotechnical structure. To elaborate more, if the internal friction angle of the soil were to be 300 (degree) then the lateral active earth pressure coefficient (ka) is theoretically equaled to 0.5 while the lateral passive earth pressure (kp) is 3.0; i.e. kp = 6 ka. This simple expression expounds the attractiveness of mobilizing the passive earth pressure to one’s advantage which in this case is to stabilize the wall structure.

Rubber tyre is among the finest engineering products man has ever produced in view of its great importance to the lives of all vehicular occupants that each and every tyre irrespective where it is made, it must be manufactured under very stringent control conditions to ensure its high quality. Similarly, from structural point of view the original mechanical properties of a worn off used tyre is relatively intact at time when it is discarded. On this ground it can justify why used tyres can still render themselves to be suitable for various civil engineering applications including for earth retaining wall construction. Perhaps, it is for these reasons that used tyres have to date found themselves been accepted and recognized as a practicable engineering material. To justify this claim, one can refer to ASTM D6270-08e1 Standard Practice for Use of Scrap Tyres in Civil Engineering Applications, an Active Standard developed by Subcommittee: D34.03.


Used tyres-based wall structures have gained wide acceptance and been popularly constructed and will continue to be constructed in many engineering advanced countries, whereby all factors affecting the suitable use of this material have been considered exhaustively before its final adoption. Additionally, the fact that there is no known major mishap on any used tyres retaining wall been reported anywhere in the world to date may well be an indirect proof for the reliability of this type of construction.

Technical-wise, used-tyre wall system has a number of the following technical advantages when compared with other conventional wall solutions.

In the currently invented wall structure, being a modular form of construction system, the row of tyres arranged at any level of the wall will be made to resist the earth pressure at the same level only. Thus, under the worst circumstances, a general collapse of the structure is unlikely. Moreover, the high frictional resistance that could exist at rubber-rubber interface is another counteracting force available in the current design to resist the horizontal destabilizing forces in existence.

The fact that many used tyres walls (including those very tall vertical walls) constructed around the world (local and abroad alike) are bare showed that the designers of these structures must have considered and felt comfortable that used tyres are capable of withstanding all foreseeable adverse effects including those that might derive from environmental such as the UV light of the sun. In our current invention, through careful design, the used tyres wall face upon completion of construction would be skillfully covered by a thin layer of soil and on top of it to be turfed. In this way, not only will the used tyres employed are shunned away from direct sunlight and its damaging effects of direct UV light, it will at the same time afford us a greener and softer landscape and thus be more environmental friendly, of course.

The great many cleavages (or openings) found between the tyres that form the wall face will permit ready drainage of water and thus dissipation of pore water pressure behind the wall. Accordingly, destabilizing forces that often caused by pore water would be nullified in most circumstances at and all times including during and after a heavy downpour.

In most geotechnical structures, whenever possible an engineer normally wishes very much to mobilize the passive earth pressure of the soil in order to stabilize the designed structure. This is so because passive earth pressure is about the largest strength that one can expect to derive from any given soil to work to one’s greatest advantage in resisting the Rankine active pressure that tends to destabilize a geotechnical structure. To elaborate more, if the internal friction angle of the soil were to be 300 (degree) then the lateral active earth pressure coefficient (ka) is theoretically equaled to 0.5 while the lateral passive earth pressure (kp) is 3.0; i.e. kp = 6 ka. This simple expression expounds the attractiveness of mobilizing the passive earth pressure to one’s advantage which in this case is to stabilize the wall structure.

The above deliberation has offered us sufficient ground to adopt used tyres earth retaining wall system and demonstrate that its acceptance will neither in anyway trade off the technical soundness of the designs nor will it jeopardize the interests and well being of the project itself as a whole in terms of its permanency, durability, aesthetic of the structure and its materials alike. In conclusion, this augers well with the claims of the Wall system is a 4 in 1 wall solution. It is Green, Economical, Safe and Sustainable.

The above deliberation has offered us sufficient ground to adopt used tyres earth retaining wall system and demonstrate that its acceptance will neither in anyway trade off the technical soundness of the designs nor will it jeopardize the interests and well being of the project itself as a whole in terms of its permanency, durability, aesthetic of the structure and its materials alike. In conclusion, this augers well with the claims of the Wall system is a 4 in 1 wall solution. It is Green, Economical, Safe and Sustainable.

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